Monday, May 25, 2009

Long time since I posted!!!

Yes, I am still alive!! Alot has changed in the last two months! Scott got a new job in Dallas so he is gone all week and comes home on the weekends. He is staying with some friends for now and then when school gets out and tball is over, we will join him at our new place.

Maeci just had her birthday yesterday and she is now 5 years old! I can't believe it!! We had a princess party with a wonderful princess cake and lots of presents of course. She is playing tball and loves it!! She is actually pretty good for being the youngest one on her team!! We love to watch her play!!

Camden is 20 months and is acting like a typical 2 year old. He throws fits and screams when he doesn't get his way! He still loves to cuddle with mommy and he actually asks me to rock him!! Of course I can't stand that!! :)

Baby #3 is a girl for those of you who don't know! My due date is fast approaching (Aug) and I am not sure that I am ready for #3 but oh well, right!!? Anyway, just wanted to try to get back on here so people know what's going on with us.

For those of you who are my faithful readers, I'm sorry but I promise to try to do better! It's hard being a single mom during the week and being pregnant! :)


Jodi said...

I just realized that I've not posted anything in nearly a month either!!! It's been abit crazy! So, have you found a place yet up here????

Donald said...

Thanks for the post, SuperMom. It's hard to believe Macei is five already. Where has the time gone?